
Business and Enterprise

The Department has at its core a belief in providing opportunity for all, by giving students the chance to develop a genuine and meaningful understanding of the world around them through the many and varied courses we deliver. In practice this means offering a wide range of subjects across both Key Stage 4 and 5, at all levels, for all abilities that seek to inspire a life-long interest in business, enterprise and economics.

The many and varied courses we offer provide all our students with regular opportunities to develop vital life skills and key work skills as well as building a genuine passion for the subject. This will enable them to gain a greater appreciation of the different roles they will undertake at different times of their life and allow them to become active and knowledgeable members of society.


In all courses students will learn more about what it means to be a consumer, producer, and employee as well as being a member of a community, whether that is locally, nationally or globally; these are all roles they will undertake throughout their lives. They are encouraged to be inquisitive and challenging, equipping them with the necessary skills to be able to find out for themselves and to fulfil these roles in a knowledgeable, respectful and responsible way. They will be encouraged to appreciate the fast-changing nature of the business world and understand what and how they can shape and contribute to it in the future.

Equipping students to be effective and confident communicators is also central to our values and all of the department’s courses give students many and varied opportunities to develop a range of key communication skills. The financial aspect of business challenges students to develop important numeracy skills and all courses, especially the more vocational routes, provide opportunities for students to become more competent at presenting ideas to an audience both in a written and oral format. It is in these areas that students can develop a more creative response to the work they undertake in the classroom and beyond.

Business Studies at Gosforth Academy

All courses offered by the Department will be new to students as they make their KS4 choices and for some this process will also happen as they enter KS5. This challenges all students to be committed, persistent and dedicated to their learning. There are many and varied opportunities for them across all courses to develop other aspects of their character through team activities, personal challenge and support for and consideration of others. Students also engage with the local and wider business communities, providing them with direct experience of different careers options and pathways available to them on leaving school. This helps them to prepare to become considerate members of the business community who are able to consider the ethical and moral aspect of their behaviour and that of others.

All subjects provide scope for students to develop and use business language that they will experience and be expected to use in real life business contexts throughout their lives and all courses will build on this key terminology as students become more experienced in their subject matter.

Many of our students progress from studying our courses at Key Stage 4 to the range of courses we offer at Key Stage 5 and indeed many choose to continue studying in this field after they leave school to deepen and broaden their understanding of the subject. We therefore know that it is important that we continue to develop our curriculum offer to ensure that the progression routes we offer are always varied, meaningful and relevant to young people and their futures. All specific subjects offered in the department have natural progression routes from KS4 to KS5 and enable students to continue their studies after KS5 if interested.