GA KS4 2023
Another superb set of results from students at Gosforth Academy.
KS4 Headline indicators 2023
- Attainment 8 = 55.4
- Progress 8 = 0.43 – in the top 5% of schools in the North East
- % of students achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths =63 %
- % of students entered for the EBacc = 69%
- % of students achieving the EBacc standard pass =52 % ( England Average = 23%)
- EBacc Average Points Score = 5.2
Additional information KS4 2023 results
- 82% of students achieved a standard pass (grade 4+) in English and Maths
- 42% of students achieved the EBacc strong pass compared to national figure of in 2022
- Many superb individual and subject successes.
- 92 students achieved an average grade or points score of 7 or above
- 382 Grade 9’s were awarded - this over 10% of the total GCSE entries.
- 86 students achieved at least one grade 9.