
About Us

The Student Support Base (SSB) is an area of the school designed for use by any student who needs support. The offices of the SENCO, Student Wellbeing Leader and Education Welfare Officer can all be found within the Support Base.

SSB Amended Image


Please see the ‘Meet the Team’ Link for an Introduction to the Student Support Staff.


Some of the areas where support can be given include:


Exam Access Arrangements

Homework resources/Homework club

Career advice (Connexions)

Alternative Curriculum Room (ACR)*

Quiet room

Key Contact Programme




            Year 9/Sixth Form 1:1 Reading

            Y10 Maths Intervention

            One to One reading

            GCSE Maths & English supported revision programme

            Mental Health Wellbeing Club

            LGBTQ+ and Friends Club

            BU Wellbeing Course

            CBT for Anxiety (Autism)

            Newcastle United Foundation – Achieve

            Autism Awareness Course


Alternative Curriculum:


Social Studies – ASDAN Personal Development/Communication Skills


Year 9 PDP

Year 9 Literacy and numeracy booster classes

Work Placement (Own It)


*The Support Base also holds the Alternative Curriculum Room (ACR), where pupils who are unable to attend certain lessons for varied reasons i.e. Unable to partake in PE due to injury can be referred by a Head of Year to complete or catch up on work.



The Student Support Base is located on the ground floor at the end of the English corridor. Room numbers 032 – 042.


Homework support


Support to help complete homework is provided by Learning Support Assistants both before and after school. The SSB has computers, a printer, revisions guides and a variety of other helpful resources available to any students who wish to use them.


These are the times that the Student Support Base is open and when staff can be found there.





















Exam Access Arrangements


During exams the Student Support Base is used for students with additional needs to sit their exams and have additional arrangements such as Smaller venue, Prompt, Reader, Scribe, Rest-Breaks or Extra-Time. The EAA will be formally assessed through Year 10 however temporary arrangements can be given before then to allow for students to practice their arrangements. 


Useful Links


SAM Learning – Personalised intervention programme.

MyMaths – for extra Math’s activities and homework.

Numeracy Workout – for extra Math’s activities.

Maths Kitchen – GCSE maths revision tool.

Literacy Toolbox – Literacy programme to help with reading, spelling, fluency and grammar.

Kerboodle – revision website with access to online revision guides.

SENECA Learning – revision website for all subjects.

GCSE Bitesize – revision website for all subjects.

Dragon Dictation – for EAA of scribe

Claro Read – for EAA of reader

Touch Typing Website ( – a website to help students type quicker.

Quizlet – study via learning tools and games.


Inspirational quotes – motivation


The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.

Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.

Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!”

You are enough just as you are.