Many of our students develop intellectual curiosity whilst working collaboratively to develop and refine their ideas which ultimately leads to further study within linked industries. We have a great success rate of readying students for higher education courses in the field of design, engineering and manufacture.
A multidimensional approach is applied to learning. Students explore real world scenarios and are encouraged to think about wider problems based on contemporary issues including sustainability, recycling, provenance and availability. Students also investigate the spiritual, moral, social and cultural beliefs of others and how they impact on their choices as a designer. As part of their work with food, students are taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.
We strongly believe that the versatility of the subject allows students to be taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making. Students should work in a range of domestic and local contexts, for example the home, health, leisure and culture, as well as in industrial contexts such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, food and energy. Within the department we have a culture of high aspiration and all students are encouraged to take pride in their work and their achievements. They are also encouraged to extend their learning beyond the classroom with opportunities for STEM competitions, community events and industrial experience.
The sense of creativity, pride and sense of achievement in your work is at the very core of the subject. By nature Design Technology gives students to create things that they can take home, be proud of and use or eat! In the production of these outcomes students learn to be resilient, persistent and work individually and as part of a team.
Time management, safety, risk assessment, nutrition, cooking skills and resilience are amongst the skills learned in Design Technology and they form the foundations for a well-rounded and successful individual. Our subject helps students to understand safety, well-being and health in a variety of ways. In the workshop students must utilise PPE, safe working practices and understand the necessity for training and experience, and recognise specialists such as technicians and their role in a working environment. In the food classrooms students also learn physical and personal safety which is then enhanced further through the knowledge and importance of healthy eating and the important effects food can have on physical and mental health and well-being.
Regardless of a student’s chosen pathway and level of study, in Design Technology we equip all students with everyday life skills to become positive and effective members of society.