Following the release of GCSE grades today for our Year 11 students, we will be completing Sixth Form Enrolment for all Gosforth Academy students from 9am tomorrow.
Enrolment Appointments will take place in the Main Sports Hall to the rear of the site. Please follow signs past Sport@Gosforth entrance to access the Sports Hall. There are some building works currently taking place, but a walkway is available. The appointments usually last around 15 minutes.
To ensure that the process is in line with our risk assessment, please be aware that only students enrolling will be able to attend the Enrolment Appointment. Please refer to your letter to identify your allocated time. You will need to have completed Section A and Section B of your Enrolment Form prior to the appointment, and have identified the subjects that you would like to study and have met the entry requirements for. It would be helpful for you to bring your statement of results that you received today. BTEC grades are still pending conformation, we will be able to advise you further during the appointment.
Students we welcome from other schools will complete enrolment on Monday 24th August from 9am. This is simply to ensure that we are able to manage what is always a busy process in the best way possible. Please refer to your letter to identify your allocated time. External students will also need to have completed Section A and Section B of their Enrolment Form prior to the appointment, and have identified the subjects that they would like to study. It is essential that students from other schools bring their statement of results, as well as their passport or birth certificate.
We are pleased that students leaving Year 11 will have slightly more certainty now that they have received their results and we look forward to helping you to select a suitable progression route to add to this certainty. We are very proud of the amazing students we welcome to our Sixth Form every year and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.