
Update-Covid Cases in Year 12

Date Published:
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Over the last 10 days we have had a number of confirmed positive Covid cases, nearly all in Year 12.

Can parents/carers help by doing the following: 

  • Not sending their child into school if they are feeling unwell. Please note, from our experience, the symptoms of Covid don’t necessarily limit themselves to a high temperature, new and continuous cough or loss of change/smell. If you have any doubt or your child is feeling generally unwell please err on the side of caution and take them for a test.  
  • If your child is identified as a close contact ensure they self-isolate at home until the date specified. 
  • Please ensure your child sticks to the National Road Map rules in terms of social contact/gatherings/car sharing etc.  

We have been in touch with Public Health Newcastle and continue to act on their advice. Many thanks for all your support in what continues to be a disrupted time in schools.