Progression Week is a week of live TEAMs talks and Independent study for Year 13 students. Students will not be in school, but instead will work from home, accessing resources and activities remotely. More detailed information about the week will be communicated to students via tutorials this week and a PowerPoint narrated by Mrs Vincent, our Progression Manager, will explain everything to those who are currently self-isolating.
The purpose of Progression Week is to enable students to:
- Plan and explore next steps after school, including university, apprenticeships and employment
- Be inspired by specialist outside speakers
- Develop and strengthen subject knowledge & life skills
- Make some decisions and get questions answered
- Achieve the Independent Learner Award in September.
Students’ attendance at sessions will be monitored by the Sixth Form tutor team and students will need to book into the sessions via Frog, as well as complete an evaluation form at the end of the week. Tutors will review the week in one-to-one appointments and decide whether it is appropriate to award each student the Independent Learner Award, based in part on their engagement with this week.
There are two parts to the programme:
- Part 1 – There are over 30 live TEAMs talks from external speakers from the world of work and learning
- Part 2 – Independent Learning Projects
- Students will need to choose and book the talks by 2pm on Thursday 8th July.
This programme should go a long way to compensate for a year of disruption to typical progression activities, such as university visits, work experience and visiting speakers. Please support the programme by discussing the options on offer with your child and ensuring that they attend the sessions as planned.
All Year 13 students will return to school for face-to-face teaching as normal in the final week of term, 19-23rd July, with the last day finishing at 12.25pm.