
Student Return Times - Monday 6th June 

Date Published:
Friday 27 May 2022

Year 10 - New Year 11 need to be in school on the first day after half term by 9.15am  

As exams are on from 9am we ask that the students go round the outside of the building and enter the building via the art fire door. 

Lists informing students of which tutor group they are in along with their form room and tutor name will be on the wall in the stair well.

Year 9 – New Year 10 need to be in school on the first day after half term by 9.15am  

As exams are on from 9am we ask that the students go round the outside of the building and enter the building via the Cousin's Library entrance into Technology. 

Lists informing students of which tutor group they are in along with their form room and tutor name will be on the wall near Technology. 

Please allow enough time to be in your form room by 9.30am.

New timetables will be issued in registration. 

Lessons begin period 2 

We are no longer having a phased end to period 2 for break will begin for all at 10.35am. We are also removing the phased end to the school day so all students will finish at either 2.40pm or 3.30pm 

Thank you